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Nidoking learns Thrash at level 22.

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Q: How do you teach nidoking the move thrash in Pokemon LeafGreen?
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What moves can nidoking learn?

It can learn Peck, lv. 1, Focus Energy, lv. 1, Poison Sting, lv. 1, Double Kick, lv. 1, Thrash, lv. 22, Megahorn, lv. 43 To teach Nidoking Horn Attack, Focus Energy, Flatter and Horn Drill, evolve Nidorino after it learns these moves. (Nidorino learns its last attack, Horn Drill, at Lv. 54. To teach Megahorn or Thrash after evolution, visit a move relearner.

Can two Pokemon learn surf in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Surf is a HM so you can teach it to multiple pokemon.

What goodstrong move can you teach your Dragonite in Pokemon LeafGreen?

hyper beam

How can you teach a Charizard Air Slash in Pokemon LeafGreen?

yes but you have to get the TM first

Can you unlearn TM moves in Pokemon LeafGreen?

yes,let the Pokemon you want to lean a move and teach it

Where do you teach magmar thunderpunch in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Magmar learns thunderpunch by egg move.

What level does flareon learn flamethower in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You can teach flamethrower to flareon by using the TM.

How do you surf in LeafGreen?

Defeat the gym leader koga in fuschia city, then you can teach your Pokemon SURF.

How do you get the TM hydrocannon?

Actually it's not a TM. You have to get a move tutor in FireRed or LeafGreen to teach it to a Pokemon.

What are some good moves to teach nidoking?

Well my Nidoking has Thunderbolt for the water types, Surf for the ground types, Megahorn for the psychic types, and Earth Power 4 the steel type. I think it's best 2 teach pokemon moves that are strong against pokemon it's weak against 2 prevent losing 2 much health

Where is dive in pokemon LeafGreen?

You cannot get HM Dive in Pokémon LeafGreen.Since Dive is not an HM in leafgreen the only way to get one of your Pokemon to learn Dive is to trade it to ruby, sapphire or emerald then teach it Dive using the HM then trade it back to leafgreen.