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Magmar learns thunderpunch by egg move.

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Q: Where do you teach magmar thunderpunch in Pokemon LeafGreen?
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it cant learn it but you can teach it using the TM for solarbeam

Can you relearn a move that your Pokemon forgot on Pokemon LeafGreen?

You can. Island 2 on Leaf Green, there is a man that will teach your Pokemon moves for 2 tinymushrooms or 1 big mushroom.

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Teach it the HM move Strength. You will also need the badge from Celadon City which will allow you to use Strength outside of battle.

When does weepingbell learn solarbeam in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Weepinbell didn't learn solarbeam.You must teach it with TM 22,which contains solarbeam

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No. There's no such move called "Elemental Blast" in any Pokemon game. There are, however, elemental versions of Hyper Beam. These are called Frenzy Plant, Blast Burn & Hydro Cannon, which are types Grass, Fire, and Water respectively. There is a move tutor who will teach these moves to you in LeafGreen, FireRed, Diamond, and Pearl, but you need to trade from LeafGreen or FireRed to get these moves to Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald. There is also Draco Meteor. (only in Pokemon D/P submitted by Olivictor)

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first you need the TM dig and then you go to your bag and select the TM dig. then you select use and teach it to your pokemon

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How do you get to the other cities on Pokemon emerald?

easy just teach a Pokemon surf

How do you beat the elite four in Pokemon LeafGreen?

The best way is to get powerful Pokemon of differant types that are either legendary, or you have raised up for a while. Then, it will be really good, or really trust you. If it doesn't already have good moves, teach it TM's so it is powerful. Once they are about level 58 or 59, with a bunch of revives, and differant types, you can take them.

Which Pokemon knows dig on Pokemon emerald?

Dig is a TM, and you can teach it to most ground types.

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all Pokemon can be event Pokemon it all depends on what moves you teach it and how you treat and make your Pokemon look and the different caps you give it

How do you find a water Pokemon in ruby after you get surf?

Use a fishing rod to fish for Pokemon. This will allow you to capture a water Pokemon that you can teach Surf to.