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At the Battle Fronitier a house with 2 old ladies. One of them should teach you thunderpunch for the right amount of Battle Points.

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Q: Where is the thunderpunch tutor in Pokemon Emerald?
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How do you teach metagross thunderpunch?

The only way to teach metagross thunderpunch is through a emerald move tutor. The only way in pearl is to migrate one that learned thunderpunch through the move tutors in Emerald.

How do you catch thunderpunch in Pokemon FireRed?

ThunderPunch is a move that is typically known as an Egg Move that is one passed down from other pokemon. You may also buy the move in the Battle Frontier in Pokemon Emerald but it's a move tutor move so you must have something that can learn the move like Typhlosion.

Where to get the TM thunder punch in emerald?

Thunderpunch is not a TM in Emerald. You have to learn it from the Move Tutor at the Battle Frontier (in the tent just left towards the Battle Dome, talk to the old lady on the right).

Where is the move tutor that teaches your Pokemon thunderpunch in soulsilver?

Go to the frontier access and you'll see a house. Inside the house, there will be three men, and they'll teach your Pokemon moves for BP (the first guy teaches thunderpunch, icepunch, and firepunch)

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When does Infernape learn thunderpunch?

You need to get it from a tutor or as an egg move.

Can Infernape learn thunderpunch?

Yes, you need to use the Move Tutor.

Pokemon ruby sapphire and emerald for the ar move tutor codes?


Where is the Move Tutor in Pokemon Emerald?

the move tutor is in Fallabor city to the west. but first before he'll teach your Pokemon a move you need to give him a heart scale

Where is TM rock slide in Pokemon Emerald?

rockslide is not a TM in Pokemon rse but u can get it in battle frontier from a move tutor only in emerald idk about rs

Where is the move tutor guy in Pokemon emerald?

He's in Fallarbor Town, use a heart scale to teach your Pokemon moves

Where do you teach magmar thunderpunch in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Magmar learns thunderpunch by egg move.