i have a staravia lvl 63 emporlup lvl 62 torterra lvl 62 lucario lvl 62 scyther lvl 61 giratina lvl 67
it depends what team of Pokemon you have
No, instead there is a Team Galactic.
No you can not battle dawn in platinum:( but you do work with her several times against team galatic
You find it in the team galactic storage area.
it depends what team of Pokemon you have
Pikachu's team
If you release all of your pokemon you will get a level 1 reshiram and zekrom and become a member of team plasma.
Yes, Team Galactic is in Platinum.
you should use water type Pokemon
Well that is up to you :P
Rayquaza Definetly Because Emerald is about Rayquaza.
whats your team
There is no such thing as a perfect team
No, instead there is a Team Galactic.
First what is your team?
Torrtera Vaporeon Golem Staraptor Luxray