it depends what team of Pokemon you have
Team rocket has a woobat that they caught in the third or fourth (or second ;) ) episode.
there is no hideout in kanto because in pokemon red you beat team rocket and in this generation team rocket left kanto and went to johto you run into a team rocket member that stole the machine part from the power plant that doesn't mean that team rocket returned to kanto
since 1996 or about that
Team Galactic is not in Pokemon Heart Gold or Soul Silver.....Team Rocket is in those games though Team Galactic is in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum only.
You can't join team rocket in Pokemon diamond. Actually team rocket is not on the game
In Pokemon Pearl Team Rocket aren't the villains, Team Galactic are.
well there name is team rocket but most of them are ,rocket grunts,
Yes, Team Rocket is on the top floor of the Pokemon Tower in Lavender Town.
it depends what team of Pokemon you have
Team Rocket's Warehouse
The team rocket base is in Mahogany town.
You can use the ability Cut on Team Rocket. Since it is an HM, you can use it as a Pokemon move. All Pokemon moves can be used against Team Rocket in battle.
team rocket is a bunch of bad guys team rocket is a ruleing group we have 4 groups in Pokemon team aqua team magma team rocket and all have different goals team rocket is in the kanto region and a boy got rid of team rocket 3 years ago team rocket dream is to rule the world which will never happen :) team rocket always never gets away with it everyone knows that so i guess team rocket will never make the goal team rocket might seem cool but there a bunch of losers so team rocket takes Pokemon and attacks places in Pokemon and wants to rule the world hope this helps. :) -darkarimaster- dark type Pokemon champion
Team Rocket Team Rocket
whats your team