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Q: Can you rate my team vs the elite four in platinum?
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What Pokemon team should you use for the elite four platinum?

Pikachu's team

Is your team strong enough to beat the elite four in Pokemon platinum?


What is the best Pokemon platinum team for beating the elite four?

I think an: .Infernape .Giratina

Suggested levels for elite four in platinum?

I would suggest having your whole team above level 50 so you have a chance to beat the Elite Four. I think the Elite Four Pokemon are at level 50-60, so well trained level 50 Pokemon will be good for the elite four.

Is my team a good team to beat the elite 4 in platinum?

First what is your team?

I use a empelon torterra Garchomp staraptor sabalye and Arcanine in Pokemon platinum is this a good team to beat the elite 4 with. They are all level 62?

its a pretty good team four the elite 4 but watch out for the champions garchomp!!!

What is a good team against the elite four in Pokemon platinum?

Rotom,Starter pokemon,staraptor,luxray,metegross,giratina,al lvl 51 and over

Rate your elite 4 team for platinum Lvl50 Espeon lvl50 umbreon lvl50 Glaceon lvl 50 leafeon lvl50 vapoureon lvl50jolteon?

Get them up to atLEAST 55

Is this a good team to beat the elite four on Pokemon emerald?

what is your team?!?!?!

What would be a perfect team for the Elite Four in Pokemon Pearl?

The perfect team for the elite four in Pokemon pearl is a dragonite blastiose charizard blaziken lapras and alakazam.

How do you get to sunnyshore on Pokemon Platinum?

After you beat team galactic's boss and catch/defeat giratina in the distortion world you will be able to get to sunnyshore city and after you beat the gym leader continue to the elite four.

How do you get into Team Magma's hideout after beating the Elite Four?

are you qrayzy? or you have walk cheat? if you beat elite you can not do it