I would suggest having your whole team above level 50 so you have a chance to beat the Elite Four. I think the Elite Four Pokemon are at level 50-60, so well trained level 50 Pokemon will be good for the elite four.
red or the elite four if you beat red the elite four Pokemon will be jacked up or red again after you beat the elite four his Pokemon are the same levels as before
you beat the elite four
40s and 50s
you cant, it's impossible
you can battle the elite four as many times as you want but after so many battles their Pokemon go up by about 10 levels
red or the elite four if you beat red the elite four Pokemon will be jacked up or red again after you beat the elite four his Pokemon are the same levels as before
The Elite Four becomes stronger by itself once you beat them. All their pokemons become about 20 levels stronger after the first time you beat them :)
The Elite Four
they are in the Pokemon league.
to the elite four.
Yes,you can trade with perl,diamond,platinum and soul silver.You can trade before beating the elite four.
by passing the game
I think its Bertha of the Elite four.
Behind the ELite FOur place.
you beat the elite four