Shedinja, having 1 HP, can be knocked out by any damage-dealing Flying, Rock, Ghost, Fire or Dark type move.
Shedinja is hurt only by super-effective moves.
Shedinja is Ghost/Bug, so basically use Dark,Fire, Flying, Rock or Ghost moves to OTK
there is only one Pokemon with the ability. its shedinja. the ability allows shedinja to only be hit with super effective moves like fire,dark,rock,flying,and ghost type moves.all other moves have no effect what so ever.the moves 'role play', 'skill swap', and the trace ability can't copy it.
Shedinja is a special Pokemon that has a unique special ability: wonder guard. Effects of wonder guard: Makes all move that are not super effective not hurt Shedinja. Shedinja's type: Bug and Ghost Types of moves that will hurt (or kill, since Shedinja is only 1 hp): Fire, Flying, Rock, Dark etc. Do note that moves that does not inflict damage directly will also work on Shedinja. Examples include toxic (Shedinja will die the next turn due to poison), will-o-wisp (similar reason), or confuse ray (if it hurts itself, it will get hurt like others)
Most people find value in Shedinja because you have to go through a series of steps to get it and its one and only Ability is Wonder Guard, which allows only super effective moves to damage Shedinja. Unfortunately, Shedinja only has one Hit Point, so if one attack gets through its Ability, you'll find yourself choosing another Pokemon to battle your opponent.
Flamethrower = Best ever other fire type moves work aswell
Shedinja is hurt only by super-effective moves.
It doesn't do super effective it don't get hit unless its super effective
Shedinja is Ghost/Bug, so basically use Dark,Fire, Flying, Rock or Ghost moves to OTK
In pokemon, it is an ability that prevents all damage except for moves that are super effective to it. Only Shedinja has this ability.
The Pokemon can only be hit by "super-effective" moves. For example, Shedinja can only be hit by fire, rock, ghost, dark, and flying type moves. If a Pokemon tries to attack it with a water type move, Shedinja can't be hit because of it's wonderguard.
The strongest bug Pokemon are Shedinja its HP is 1, but only super effective moves will hurt him, its mostly unstopabble !!!!!
Psychic and Ground type moves are super effective against Poison type Pokémon.
A shedinja has 1 HP but has wonderguard, so only super effective moves affect it. A shedinja is ghost and bug type, as to give you ab idea of what is super effective. Try using fire, psychic or flying moves as those are super effective. Another way is to use a weather effecting move like hail or sand storm as those hit through Wonder guard. Status effecting moves work to- burning or poisoning works, and also things like the move nightmare.
there is only one Pokemon with the ability. its shedinja. the ability allows shedinja to only be hit with super effective moves like fire,dark,rock,flying,and ghost type moves.all other moves have no effect what so ever.the moves 'role play', 'skill swap', and the trace ability can't copy it.
Shedinja is a special Pokemon that has a unique special ability: wonder guard. Effects of wonder guard: Makes all move that are not super effective not hurt Shedinja. Shedinja's type: Bug and Ghost Types of moves that will hurt (or kill, since Shedinja is only 1 hp): Fire, Flying, Rock, Dark etc. Do note that moves that does not inflict damage directly will also work on Shedinja. Examples include toxic (Shedinja will die the next turn due to poison), will-o-wisp (similar reason), or confuse ray (if it hurts itself, it will get hurt like others)
Most people find value in Shedinja because you have to go through a series of steps to get it and its one and only Ability is Wonder Guard, which allows only super effective moves to damage Shedinja. Unfortunately, Shedinja only has one Hit Point, so if one attack gets through its Ability, you'll find yourself choosing another Pokemon to battle your opponent.