Only PS3 models that have 4 USB ports from the first and second generation of PS3 models
It's a PS2, Game Cube, Xbox, & PC game that is not Backward Compatible with the 4 USB Port PS3s that can play some PS2 game titles
NO it is not. The only PS3 80 GB model that was backward compatible was CECHE. It was the last PS3 model that was backward compatible. Even the PS3 40 GB models CECHG and CHECHH were not backward compatible. The related link for Playstation support provides details on the different models
It depends what type of ps3. Only the ps3s released at the launch date are compatible with ps2 games. All new ps3s don't work with ps2 games
Only the ones with 4 USB ports. PS3 consoles with 2 USB ports are not Backward Compatible no matter what size the harddrive is.
No PS2 games are compatible with PS3s having only 2 USB ports. The other consoles vary the games that they will play with less being compatible for different regions and consoles
No you can not except is the backward compatible PS3s with the 4 USB ports
The quality should be the same, however it will only work on a PS3 that is backward compatible with PS2 games (new PS3s are not).
It's a PS2, Game Cube, Xbox, & PC game that is not Backward Compatible with the 4 USB Port PS3s that can play some PS2 game titles
The MZ-M200 is fully backward compatible with all minidisc recordings
Yes. Your ps3 will notice nothing
NO it is not. The only PS3 80 GB model that was backward compatible was CECHE. It was the last PS3 model that was backward compatible. Even the PS3 40 GB models CECHG and CHECHH were not backward compatible. The related link for Playstation support provides details on the different models
No, newer PS3s are not backwards compatible.
New PS3s are not reverse compatible with PS2 games.
USB 3.0 Extensions are backward compatible. USB 3.0 Device cables are not.
Because in the beginning they did not have very many PS3 games and PS2 games had to be compatible to sell the PS3 game consoles. They later learned that making every game Backwards compatible was not possible because they would need the designers assistance. Some companies went out of Business or changed hands through merger and takeovers, still others wanted to design new games for PS3 and did not want the games to be compatible because of a loss of new sales. People that had purchased the compatible PS3s complained when every PS1 and PS2 game title was not perfectly compatible and did not care about what was technologically possible. Then when the Europe consoles were to be released they tried Software emulation to help allow the European region and format games to work with Backward Compatibility and had more games not working perfectly. Years later they are still working on getting every PS2 title to work with the original PS3s with 4 USB ports. Sony lost more on each of those original PS3s than the are selling the current PS3s for when inflation adjustments are considered. You should understand that if a PS2 title does not work on a PS2 the game designers are responsible for making it work, when it does not work on the PS3 then Sony must figure out how to make it work and then get the game designers to agree to changes.
It depends what type of ps3. Only the ps3s released at the launch date are compatible with ps2 games. All new ps3s don't work with ps2 games