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No PS2 games are compatible with PS3s having only 2 USB ports. The other consoles vary the games that they will play with less being compatible for different regions and consoles

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Q: List of ps2 games compatible with ps3?
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Most of the PS3 models can not play PS2 games and are not Backward Compatible. Yes the early 4 USB ports PS3 consoles can play some PS2 games .

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no it was the earliest PS3 that was not PS2 compatible and only has 2 USB Ports and only 4 USB PS3s Play PS2 games

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no PS2 games have not been compatible since they stopped making the very early PS3 models with 4 USB ports and flash card readers

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No except for early PS3 consoles that had 4 USB ports PS3 consoles can not play PS2 games.

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No, PS3 is not backward compatible with PS2 games.

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It depends what type of ps3. Only the ps3s released at the launch date are compatible with ps2 games. All new ps3s don't work with ps2 games

Can PS3 be compatible with ps2 or psOne games?

No. one of the kids in my class have a ps3 and their ps3 dose not play ps2 or ps1 gamesYes the 4 USB port PS3 are backward compatible and all PS3 plays select PS1 titles