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Depends on it's nature allthough usually it likes blue pokeblocks or pokeblocks with dry qualities.

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Q: What pokeblocks does wobbuffet like in Pokemon ruby?
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How do you get max beauty on ruby Pokemon?

U feed pokeblocks that max out beauty like blue pokeblocks

When does wobuffet evolve in Pokemon Ruby?

Wobbuffet does not evolve.

How do you use the pokeblocks on Pokemon Ruby?

give it to your pokemon, it will raise its Contest condition.

Where do you make pokeblocks on Pokemon Ruby?

You can make pokeblocks at any contest hall i would suggest blending berries at lilycove city's contest hall.

How do you have pokeblocks without using link Pokemon ruby?

Pokeblocks can be made in the Pokemon contest buildings at cities such as Lilycove, you really dont need a link cable..

What is the best way to raise a Milotic in Pokemon ruby?

you feed it blue and indigo and gold POKeBLOCKS.

How do you reset pokemons condition or pokeblock thingie on Pokemon ruby?

You can't. When you have altered a pokemon's condition with pokeblocks the change is irreversible.

How do you capture a wild Wobbuffet on Pokemon Ruby?

Easy, Safari Zone, east of Lilycove City The only way to catch a Wobbuffet is in the Safari Zone WEST of Lilycove.

In Pokemon Sapphire where do you make poffins?

You cannot make poffins in Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald but you can make pokeblocks at contest centers

Where can you get pokeblocks on Pokemon XD gale of darkness for the gamecube?

You cant get poke blocks in Pokemon xd gale of darkness. They are only aquirable in ruby, Sapphire, and emerald.

On pokemon ruby how many berries does it take to evolve feebas?

It took me 6 kelpsys and 1 wiki (pokeblocks made in lilycove)

How can you get feebas to eat again after 12 pokelocks in Pokemon ruby?

you cant after that many pokeblocks level him up and that will evole him D i have the game