It means that he/she ate to many. If your trying to evolve it, i used a trick. If you have one and you feed it to many, breed w/ ditto. If you want to check if its ready to evolve, go to the scarf guy/ chairman of Pokemon club.
First, there aren't any poke blocks in Pokemon Diamond. They use poffins. Poffins and poke blocks are like the same thing but poffins are bigger. Now to evolve Feebas you need to give it Dry Poffins. Dry Pofffins are like blue poke blocks. Make sure you feed your Feebas HIGH LEVELED DRY POFFINS so it will be easier to win contests (only beauty contests). Feed it those types till your Feebas won't eat anymore. Then train your Feebas about 1-3 levels and it will evolve into Milotic. -To get Dry Poffins you have to bake berries that are dry. Go to Hearthome City and into the house beside the Poke Mart. You will be able to cook poffins there. -To cook Poffins you NEED a Poffin Case. Go into the Fan Clube in Hearthome City and talk to the girl and she will give you a Poffin Case. To get a Feebas go to Mt.Coronet and surf on any body of water you find. You will need to fish using a Super Rod. It will take lots of time because they are rare, or just trade one or miggrate from the GBA games into your Diamond. Note: Feebas can only be found after you get the National Dex. To get one you need to see all 150 Pokemon in Sinnoh and beat the Pokemon Leuge.
i think 20 berries
There isn't an actual number. but as long as they are made well you should be alright, because they can eat more pokeblocks if the "feel" number is low.
There are a few Pokemon that evolve from the safari zone, pikachu, goldeen, psyduck and many more.
it will be easier to go to the lowest florr of the veilstone department store and buy dry poffins they are 6400 each and between 3 and 7 should get max beauty
It depends, different Pokemon evolve in many different ways.
no you cant vaperon is one of the many Pokemon that you can evolve FROM an eevee
yeah u can change it how ever many times u want (change to beuatiful feebas for feebas)
125 of em evolve but I list them all
Many Pokemon evolve at certain levels. Some don't even evolve with level!
You mean by happiness? You need 2 for it to evolve.
charmeleon will evolve into charizard in lvl36.
to get heracross, you have to go to the safari zone. i suggest you go in with a lot of berries, because if you get close to him many times it runs away. so you have to throw him berries
No. I own it and i have beaten it many times.
It depends on thew Pokemon. Most Pokemon evolve by gaining exp. Here are some Pokemon that evolve with a stone. Evee- can evolve into 7 different Pokemon depending on the stone Lombre- water stone pikachu- thunder stone there are many more
For Pokémon Ruby, Pokémon Sapphire, Pokémon Emerald, Pokémon Diamond, Pokémon Pearl, Pokémon Platinum, Pokémon HeartGold and Pokémon SoulSilver, Feebas is only capable of evolving once its Beauty is high enough and then it levels up to the next level. In Pokémon Black, Pokémon White, Pokémon Black 2 and Pokémon White 2, you can attach the Prism Scale to a Feebas and then trade it in order to evolve it into Milotic.