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Make sure you have a pokeblock case and go in any contest hall and look for the blenders. Press A and you can berry blend, it creates one pokeblock.

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Q: How do you get the pokeblocks in pokemon ruby?
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How do you use the pokeblocks on Pokemon Ruby?

give it to your pokemon, it will raise its Contest condition.

Where do you make pokeblocks on Pokemon Ruby?

You can make pokeblocks at any contest hall i would suggest blending berries at lilycove city's contest hall.

What is the best way to raise a Milotic in Pokemon ruby?

you feed it blue and indigo and gold POKeBLOCKS.

Where can you get pokeblocks on Pokemon XD gale of darkness for the gamecube?

You cant get poke blocks in Pokemon xd gale of darkness. They are only aquirable in ruby, Sapphire, and emerald.

Where do you get a blending machine in Pokemon ruby?

You can't keep one personally but you can use them in contest halls. Then, you can make pokeblocks. But first you need a Pokeblock case to keep all pokeblocks you make. You would need berries. Lots and lots of berries.

What cities have contests in Pokemon ruby?

Let's see... Verdanturf Town has normal Pokemon contests. Fallarbor Town has super Pokemon contests. Slateport City has the hyper Pokemon contests Lilycove City has the master Pokemon contests. Also, if you can wait, I'd recommend only making pokeblocks with the people at the master contest hall. You get better quality pokeblocks that way. Good luck!

POKEMON-what level pokeblocks you should give feebas to evolve in ruby?

the highest level you can until its beauty is maxthen evolve it one level and you'll have a milotic

Where do you make pokeblocks in Pokemon Sapphire?

contest hall

How do you get your Pokemon to get affection on Pokemon on Pokemon volcano?

Feed it Pokeblocks and make sure it doesn't faint in battles.

How do you get max toughness in Pokemon emerald?

Feed them good pokeblocks from durin berries.

Are pokeblocks in Pokemon sapphire glitched to crash the game?

No, they are not glitched to crash your game.

Ledendary Pokemon in Pokemon ruby?
