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Pokeblocks can be made in the Pokemon contest buildings at cities such as Lilycove, you really dont need a link cable..

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Q: How do you have pokeblocks without using link Pokemon ruby?
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You can't.

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You can't.

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A berry that is used to make pokeblocks. See related link for more.

How do you link Pokemon LeafGreen version to emerald version?

Using a GBA Link cable.

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no you can only trade using a game boy to a game boy with the link cable.

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yes u can all u have to do is get a link cable and trade Pokemon u cant catch from the other game to ruby.

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Using the WIFI link in Pokemon, it is possible to trade Pokemon with people around the world.

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You need gba link

Where can you trade kadabra in Pokemon Ruby?

Pokemon center. With a friend,using a wireless adapter or a link cable

How do you trade from ruby to ruby?

You can trade from Pokemon Ruby to another Pokemon Ruby using a link cable.

Can you trade between Pokemon LeafGreen and sapphire without wireless adapter?

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