I have beaten both Pokemon leafgreen and Pokemon sapphire, and I can not trade at all. I am using a universal Gameboy Advance link cable, and I want to know if I need a wireless adapter or not, or if something else is amiss.
Yes You Can.
i dont believe so because the wireless adapters were made for leafgreen and firered which came out after RSE
USE MYSTERY GIFT!!! ANd make sure you put a wireless adapter on your gameboy.
Trading Between Emerald and Sapphire If you're using a Wireless Adapter,it won't work because it wasn't invented when Ruby/Sapphire was. You have to use a GBA Cable Link. yes just don't use wireless adapter the wireless adapter only works with Pokemon emerald, fire red, and leaf green maybe you need to do more stuff like finish the Pokemon league or something that still doesn't work for me how do you do it? yes there the same game
you have to have a adapter
U can trade with the help of a wireless adapter.
Yes You Can.
Yes, probably. no, because spphire is compatible with a wireless adapter which is stupid Go Bears
yes, only you need something that have it. You can't use a wireless adapter, you need 2 Gameboy Advance (SP), 2 catridges (Leaf Green and Sapphire) and a link cable.
you have to have a super wireless adapter
Unfortunately, you cannot use the Wireless Adapter with Ruby or Sapphire. Bit you CAN use a Link Cable to trade between Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed, LeafGreen, and Pokemon Colosseum I dont know how Colosseum works though. Hope This Helped! Shinin PS Colosseum is latin. the translation is "Huge Arena"
actually i dont want to say this but NO
Saphire and Ruby arent adaptable with the wireless adapter, so when trading to those games you cannot use one.
i dont believe so because the wireless adapters were made for leafgreen and firered which came out after RSE
the only way possible is to get a wireless adapter or link cable(Pokemon Centre does not exist in firered or leafgreen
USE MYSTERY GIFT!!! ANd make sure you put a wireless adapter on your gameboy.