i think phanpy, apom, and i cant remember any more but there are some good Pokemon there
beta the elite four and go to the closed spot in the safari zone
area 2 of the safari zone is anywhere you notice Pokemon from other regions. you need to beat the elite four first.
when you get into the safari zone go up and then take a right and follow that path until you see a man (he says welcome to the section of the safari zone or something)
Safari Zone Extension and Altering Cave.For the Safari Zone, you have to beat the Elite Four before you can go to the extension of the Safari Zone.And for the Altering Cave, you need Mystery Gift for that.
when you get into the safari zone go up and then take a right and follow that path until you see a man (he says welcome to the section of the safari zone or something)
in emerald, yes.
in safari zone after beating elite four and champion.
Safari zone after beating elite 4
when you beat the elite four for the first time you automaticly get the upgrade. You can see it because you can get deeper in the safari zone
You beat the elite four. That is only if you have emerald. _tu Hoang
beta the elite four and go to the closed spot in the safari zone
In Pokemon Emerald, Area 2 in the safari zone is available after beating the Elite. You get pokemons from the previous versions of the game.
Requirements for the Hoenn Safari Zone in Pokemon Emerald* At least $500 ** Mach Bike ** Acro Bike ** HM03 Surf ** HM06 Rock Smash ** Elite Four Winning *
area 2 of the safari zone is anywhere you notice Pokemon from other regions. you need to beat the elite four first.
AnswerThe following Pokemon can be obtained in the Pokemon Emerald Safari Zone: On landOddishGloomGirafarigDodouDodrioNatuXatuPikachuWobbuffetRhyhornPinsirHeracrossPhanpyGeodudeMareepSunkernSpinarakAipomHoothootGligarSnubbulTeddiursaLedybaPinecoShuckleMiltankHoundourStantlerWhile Surfing or fishingMarillWooperQuagsireGoldeenSeakingMagikarpRemoraidOctilleryPsyduckGolduckOnce you have defeated the Elite Four, two new areas of the Safari Zone will be open for you to explore. It is in these areas which you may catch Johto Pokemon.
when you get into the safari zone go up and then take a right and follow that path until you see a man (he says welcome to the section of the safari zone or something)
The Safari Zone, you idiot. After you defeat the Elite Four and get the National Pokedex.