area 2 of the safari zone is anywhere you notice Pokemon from other regions. you need to beat the elite four first.
this is simple. to get to safari zone area 2, just go to the beginning area with the trolleys, and read the sign near them. If one says safari zone 2, then ride it and you will be in that area.
From Area 2 if you go up then left you can reach Area 3 also if you go down from Area 2 you will reach Area 3.
you can catch it in the middle bit of the safari park (either in area 1 or 2, go figure.)u don't really need to go to the safari zone he is located in routes 20 but hes or shes very rareYou can find Kangaskan in the Safari Zone, you just need to be patient and search all over and you should find one eventually, please be patient.Kangaskhan can be found in Area 1 in the safari zone.
It's in Area 3 but to reach the specific spot where the house is you must follow the path the leads north in Area 2.
In Fuchsia City's Safari Zone, or you can buy one from the Game Corner in Celadon City.You can catch him in the safarii zone or buy him at the rocket game corner for 5,500 coinsScyther can be found in the Safari Zone in Fuchsia City, although they are rare.2 ways: Safari zone or Game corner exchange.To get a sycther, you MUST have gotten to Fuchsia city, because that is where the safari zone is, and you get it in the safari zone
this is simple. to get to safari zone area 2, just go to the beginning area with the trolleys, and read the sign near them. If one says safari zone 2, then ride it and you will be in that area.
You can't. Safari Zone 2 is only available in Emerald. Sorry.
Area 3 is below Area 2 and west of Area 2.
Safari Zone Area 2 (1%)
In Pokemon Emerald, Area 2 in the safari zone is available after beating the Elite. You get pokemons from the previous versions of the game.
Yes in the central area (where you begin) Area 2 and Area 3.
There isn't a safari zone in silver, the bug catching contest is the new idea of the safari zone in generation 2.
If you pass through Area 1 you will reach Area 2 a shortcut to Area 2 is in the central area you use surf and head north.
Lots of people get confused of the area #s in the safari zone so i want to set your minds at ease: There is a Central Area, An Area 1, An Area 2, and An Area 3. Technically the central area has it's own name and no number so that mean's there's only 3 areas in the safari zone which i mentioned already. In Area 2 there is an entrance to Area 3 that holds the item Gold Teeth and the secret house where you get the HM Suf so if you want to reach there go to Area 2.
Beat the elite 4, then go to the safari zone. check the area that 2 guys were blocking off. If you have the nat. dex, then you can find shuckle, milktank, mareep...
Tauros are in area 2 and 3 in the Safari Zone and they are EXTREMELY rare. They can be more rare than Chanseys. Throw bait and Safari balls at it, do not throw rocks, he will run!