Safari Zone Extension and Altering Cave.
Number 180 in Pokemon Emerald is Flaffy the evolvtion of mareep and the pre-evolvtion of ampharos.
Since you can't get mareep in firered trade one from emerald.
You can acquire an Ampharos in Pokemon Emerald by catching a Mareep in the Extended Safari Zone after beating the Elite Four. This area contains many Pokemon not seen normally in the Hoenn region. After catching this Mareep, you can level it up and at level 15 it will evolve into a Flaafy. Then the Flaafy will evolve to Ampharos at level 30.
You can't you must trade from Emerald, the Lost Cave is programmed to have mareeps but it's an event that Nintendo never had
You can get Ampharos by evolving Flappy which you can get at route 222 (with Pokeradar) but it's uncommon.
Number 180 in Pokemon Emerald is Flaffy the evolvtion of mareep and the pre-evolvtion of ampharos.
Since you can't get mareep in firered trade one from emerald.
You can acquire an Ampharos in Pokemon Emerald by catching a Mareep in the Extended Safari Zone after beating the Elite Four. This area contains many Pokemon not seen normally in the Hoenn region. After catching this Mareep, you can level it up and at level 15 it will evolve into a Flaafy. Then the Flaafy will evolve to Ampharos at level 30.
ampharos you mean right, well you can't unless you get a mareep from emerald.
Ampharos is an Electric type pokemon.
An Ampharos is a Lighting Pokemon. It is also my favorite Pokemon too!
You can't you must trade from Emerald, the Lost Cave is programmed to have mareeps but it's an event that Nintendo never had
Use your poke radar at route 222 to get Flaaffy and level Flaaffy up to level 30 to get Ampharos.
No, ampharos is the final stage of evolution in the mareep family.
im sorry but there is no ampharos in pkmn ranger but , i dont know what rangers are u talkin about
Ampharos is #181 in the national pokedex, and it is an Electric type Pokemon.