Hydro Cannon is unreliable, as Hydro Pump outdamages Hydro Cannon in two turns, as Hydro cannon has to recharge on one of the two turns, rendering the attacker a sitting duck, UNLESS Hydro Pump misses on one of the turns, due to its terrible accuracy.
Basically, Hyper Beam and its variations are often deemed ineffective due to the worthless recharging turn, which simply allows the opponent to set up, attack or just get a free switch to a counter if some sort.
Competitively, Hydro Pump is far superior as it does not require recharging and has a 240 base power in two turns (360 after factoring in STAB) while Hydro Cannon only has a 150 base power in two turns (225 after factoring in STAB).
However, in-game, both moves have their own niches. Hydro Cannon, especially in Elite Four battles, can one shot KO many targets and the recharging turn can be remedied by switching out while the opponent sends out another Pokemon. Hydro Pump can be used if you want your Pokemon to stay on the field longer.
However, stick with Hydro Pump when it comes to the Battle Tower or the Battle Frontier.
Although the two moves are extremely powerful, both have their own flaws. Hydro Cannon gets a flaw of Recharging and maybe a shaky 10% chance of missing, while Hydro Pump gets a flaw of a terrible 80% accuracy, which means it's going to miss on 1 out of 5 strikes.
Thus, I recommend Surf or if your Pokemon is a physical powerhouse like Feraligatr or Swampert, don't choose any of them and choose Waterfall or Aqua Tail instead. They're reliable, their accuracy are consistent (in exception with Aqua Tail) and they can still do damage. However, if you want your really wanted OHKOs or 2HKOs, then use Hydro Pump or Hydro Cannon.
Now, what's better? Well, competitive players prefer Hydro Pump to blow through enemies without a need to waste a turn (in exception with missing) and simply, in the opinion of I, a competitive geek, I'd say Hydro Pump's the better option..
he learns hydro pump at in leve 50 something, and a lady in two island teaches him hydro cannon
You will have to trade or make it learn hydro pump
Yes, Hydro Pump is the ultimate Water type move. The ultimate Grass type move is Leaf Storm, and the ultimate Fire type move is Eruption. Since Hydro pump has a base power of 120, and an accuracy of 80, this is the most powerful Water type move of all.
The only way for Swampert to learn hydro pump is to let Mudkip learn it at level 42, sorry.
Well, I'd say that Surf is a fairly good water move. It also has decent pp. If your looking for power than i suggest hydro pump or hydro cannon. Although they dont have a lot of pp. Glad I could Help. Simon
It's better than hydro pump as it has better accuracy, so yes.
You shouldn't bother teach it hydro pump cause it has hydro cannon.
he learns hydro pump at in leve 50 something, and a lady in two island teaches him hydro cannon
Water Spout, Sheer Cold, Hyper Beam, Hydro Pump, Eruption, Hydro Cannon.
Empoleon learns metal claw, drill peck, aqua jet, hydro pump, i think icebeam, and hydro cannon. best movesare drill peck, hydro pump, and hydro cannon(hydro cannon makes you recharge though)
You will have to trade or make it learn hydro pump
Yes, Hydro Pump is the ultimate Water type move. The ultimate Grass type move is Leaf Storm, and the ultimate Fire type move is Eruption. Since Hydro pump has a base power of 120, and an accuracy of 80, this is the most powerful Water type move of all.
water spout, hydro cannon, or hydro pump
You have to breed a female bagon with a gyarados that knows the move hydro pump.
hydro pump, hydro cannon and two defensive moves.
Pokemon learn moves at there time. Empoleon learns Hydro Pump at level 59 because it can!! Because every time you evolve3 a Pokemon its stats get better but the learning of a new move takes longer. So, for example, if you had stopped the evolution of prinplup to empoleon you could have learned hydro pump at lvl 51.
hydro pump, skull bash, rapid spin, bite, withdraw, hydro cannon, and water gun