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he learns hydro pump at in leve 50 something, and a lady in two island teaches him hydro cannon

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Q: Where can Blastoise learn hydro pump or hydro cannon firered?
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What Pokemon can learn hydro cannon?

The only Pokemon that can learn Hydro Cannon are: Blastoise, Feraligatr, Marshtomp, and Empolion.

When does Blastoise learn hydro pump in firered?

level 63

Who can learn hydro cannon?

Blastoise, Feraligatr, Swampert, Empoleon

How does Blastoise learn Hydro Cannon in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time?

In Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time, Blastoise can learn Hydro Cannon by reaching level 63. After reaching this level, Blastoise will automatically learn Hydro Cannon as its final move.

How does Blastoise learn hydro cannon?

A lady a two islands teachs him

How does Blastoise learn hydro cannon in fire red?

go to the top of 2 island and make sure blastoise is first in your party then go in the womans house talk to her and she will teach blastoise hydro cannon

Who is blastoise?

Blastoise is a huge Water-type turtle with a pair of cannons. It's evolved from Squirtle and can learn Hydro Cannon.

What is blastsiose cool move that he can learn?

Its hydro cannon, to have it learn hydro cannon level it up to level 50 then go to two island and go north to an old ladies house and show your blastoise to her and she will teach it hydro cannon.

What level does Blotoise learn Hydro cannon in heartgold?

It won't learn hydro cannon because its a move taught by a move tutor in firered and leafgreen.

What good moves do Blastoise learn on LeafGreen?

Hydro cannon, Earthquake, Ice beam, Skull bash.

When does blastoise learn hydro pump?

fi know well most of you think that blastoise learns hydro pump at level 63 cuz Gary had it at the Pokemon league he mustve hacked the gam but idk. anyways the level that blastoise learns hydro pump is..(drum roll) 68! level 53

What level will Blastoise learn the hydro cannon?

its not what level its when. go to the Pokemon chuters ouse on 2 island then put blastoise up front on your team and then talk to her