Yes, Hydro Pump is the ultimate Water type move. The ultimate Grass type move is Leaf Storm, and the ultimate Fire type move is Eruption. Since Hydro pump has a base power of 120, and an accuracy of 80, this is the most powerful Water type move of all.
The only Pokemon that can learn Hydro Cannon are: Blastoise, Feraligatr, Marshtomp, and Empolion.
it does not learn hydro cannon you have to get the tm hydro cannon
Why do you need a cheat code for Hydro Cannon????????????????????????????? If you have a Blastoise, Swampert, Feraligatr, or Empoleon you just have to bond with it and you can learn the move WITHOUT messing up your game with hacks.
Feraligatr can learn Hydro Pump at level 58 in Pokemon Crystal.
That depends on the game. In Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, there is a move tutor on Route 228 that will do the trick, assuming your Feraligatr's happiness is high enough. I'm not sure if it's possible before HGSS.
feraligatr learns hydro cannon at level 74
The only Pokemon that can learn Hydro Cannon are: Blastoise, Feraligatr, Marshtomp, and Empolion.
Blastoise, Feraligatr, Swampert, Empoleon
You go to Blackthorn City and you go to the move tutor house there and then you talk to the man and he teaches your Feraligatr Hydro Canon. You can also learn the moves Frenzy Plant and Blast Burn from that man.
it does not learn hydro cannon you have to get the tm hydro cannon
Lugia does not learn hydro cannon nor can learn hydro cannon.
Level 58 will feraligatr learn it
Why do you need a cheat code for Hydro Cannon????????????????????????????? If you have a Blastoise, Swampert, Feraligatr, or Empoleon you just have to bond with it and you can learn the move WITHOUT messing up your game with hacks.
Feraligatr learns Hydro Pump at Lv. 63.
Feraligatr can learn Hydro Pump at level 58 in Pokemon Crystal.
That depends on the game. In Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, there is a move tutor on Route 228 that will do the trick, assuming your Feraligatr's happiness is high enough. I'm not sure if it's possible before HGSS.
swampert can not learn hydro cannon in R/E/S it can only learn hydro cannon in Pokemon pearl/platinum/diamond SEE YA