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It doesn't learn Sunny Day through level up. It can, however, learn it through TM.

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It doesn't leart sunny day by leveling up. It can only learn it with a TM.

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You have to level it up and teach it sunny day. After it uses sunny day it will change form.

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use a TM

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You have to use sunny day in a battle, and then it will go back to normal after sunny day ends or you end the battle.

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By using Sunny day, Hail, Rain Dance. Moves that It can learn

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In Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen, Bulbasaur can learn Tackle, Growl (Level 4), Leech Seed (Level 7), Vine Whip (Level 10), Poisonpowder (Level 15), Sleep Powder (Level 15), Razor Leaf (Level 20), Sweet Scent (Level 25), Growth (Level 32), Synthesis (Level 39), and Solarbeam. (Level 46) By TM and HM, it can learn Toxic, Bullet Seed, Hidden Power, Sunny Day, Protect, Giga Drain, Frustration, Solarbeam, Return, Double Team, Sludge Bomb, Facade, Secret Power, Rest, Attract, Cut, Strength, Flash, and Rock Smash.

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Catch a female Combee and evolve it to level 21. It will learn sweet scent at evolution. Or you can get a Roselia and put it in Day-Care, I don't know what level it learns but when I get it back at lvl 33 it has the move sweet scent

What level does a castform boy learn wheather ball in Pokemon platinum?

Regardless of the gender, Castform learns Weather Ball [Normal] at level 30. The attack type changes depending on the weather; [Fire] if sunny, [Water] if rainy, and [Ice] if it's hailing. Therefore, it's a really good idea to teach Castform Sunny Day (TM11), Rain Dance(TM18), and Hail(TM07).