It evovles with friendship, i think. also, saw a video of it evolving at lv. 33, BUT mine did not evolve at lvl.33. that's why i think it evolves with friend ship.
LEVEL 85 ______________________________________ Learn Lugia Aeroblast .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.
Lugia learns Aeroblast at level 85.
Lugia will be lvl 50 or 72, depending on where you get it....
None really, you need to feed it rare candies when it is lv20-30 because it evolves with happiness and rare candies make it happy Really fast. Good Luck! (you'll need 2-4 rare candies)
Lugia learns Sky Attack at level 99.
You go to the front of the house where you meet the fat man. After that, go straight and use surf. Go straight again, you'll find Blitz, his girlfriend, and Dark Lugia. Go right behind the girl then they'll have some conversation with each other and with Dark Lugia. After that you'll find out hat you are in the another dimension and Palkia brought you there. After that, they say something about Baby Lugia born. Then they give you Baby Lugia for you to hold.Well that's it. I hope you have a great result. Oh yeah, Baby Lugia is lvl. 15 when you get it.
It evoles at Lv. 33 on Emerald, Sapphire, and Ruby. That's not true. you cannot obtain lugia in ruby or sapphire only emerald. And that requires a mystic ticket via event. Also lugia can't evolve or breed due to being a legendary. only manaphy can.
Uh...I don't think it has an evolve form.Sorry. it doesn't evolve at all trust me
Lugia doesn't Evolve because it is a legendary creature
no. lugia is a legendary, and can not have anything evolve into it.
Lugia doesn't evolve.
He doesn't.
scyther does not evolve by leveling up in any game. To evolve scyther give him the mettle coat and trade him he will evolve if you do that. Have fun. GO LUGIA
PokEmon don't evelove if mankeys turnes into human home come we still got mankeys
level 31 Funkylithos:WHAT?!?!?!?
im nicker. it does not evolve because mines a level 78 and hasn't evolved
no, it evolves into lugia