None really, you need to feed it rare candies when it is lv20-30 because it evolves with happiness and rare candies make it happy Really fast. Good Luck! (you'll need 2-4 rare candies)
Lugia learns Sky Attack at level 99.
lugia learns aeroblast at lv89 or lv90
NO!!!! It evolves into togetic (with high happiness) then togekiss (with shiny stone).
Arceus the alpha Pokemon, it created pokemonand its base stats is the highest over any other Pokemon, Its the best Pokemon on paper, but when you play with it its not the BEST Pokemon out there. If you level all Pokemon to level 100 then Arceus would be the best, at level 100 it learns the move jugment. Also, if you catch a high level Pokemon, like a level 70 lugia, then level it up to 100, it wont be as stroung as if you got a level 20 lugia and level it up to 100, this is because the Pokemon earn more stats when you train them and not as much in the wild. So its best to get slightly lower level Pokemon, not the highest. Now, the best Pokemon in Pokemon hh and ss. This is only the best one avaulable to catch, without cheats or trading. The best Pokemon is probobly Lugia.
No, you cannot get Lugia on Pokemon Yellow.
no. lugia is a legendary, and can not have anything evolve into it.
Uh...I don't think it has an evolve form.Sorry. it doesn't evolve at all trust me
scyther does not evolve by leveling up in any game. To evolve scyther give him the mettle coat and trade him he will evolve if you do that. Have fun. GO LUGIA
You will find lugia at level 60 i believe.
you can only get up to level 80 pokes and you cant get lugia
lugia is level 45.
Lugia learns Sky Attack at level 99.
Its Lv.70
lugia learns aeroblast at lv89 or lv90
Lugia doesn't Evolve because it is a legendary creature
The highest level Pokemon you can catch is Lugia, which is level 70. You can find other high level Pokemon at Mt. Silver.
you get him at level 50 bring lots of ultra balls