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Please see the following table for Feraligatr's moves and the level he learns them.

Lvl 30: Agility

Lvl 32: Crunch

Lvl 37: Little by Little

Lvl 45: Slash

Lvl 50: Screech

Lvl 58: Thrash

Lvl 63: Aqua Tail

Lvl 71: Superpower

Lvl 76: Hydro Pump

Note: This is the latest learnset for Feraligatr, from Generation V (HeartGold and SoulSilver). For his learnsets from Generations II and III, see the links below.

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Q: What level does Feraligatr new moves?
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Feraligatr doesn't evolve. If you mean Croconaw, it evolves into Feraligatr at level 30.

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The only way to get a Feraligatr is to pick Tododile as your starter Pokemon and evolve him into a Croconaw at level 18 and finally into a Feraligatr at level 30. You can also trade from other games to get a Feraligatr.

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Croconaw evolves at level 30 into Feraligator.Totodile evolves to Croconaw at level 18. Croconaw evolves to Feraligatr at level 30.Croconaw evolves into Feraligatr at level 18.

When does feraligatr lern hydropump?

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Waterfall is an HM, so Feraligatr doesn't learn it by leveling up. If you have the Waterfall HM, it can be taught at any level.

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16 crokonaw, 34 to feraligatr

Does croconaw evolve at level 35?

no. it evolves into feraligatr at level 30

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