Feraligatr learns the moves double head hit, sonic boom boom and slap attack with lightening.
double edge, eruption,flamethrower,fire spin
There's a move tutor at the Frontier Access that will teach this move for 40 BP. They teach a large selection of other moves as well.
feraligatr only learns like 5 or 6 moves plus the option of hydro cannon so im going to tell you all the moves through out the day you get/got tododile to the day you get a lv 100 feraligatr. feraligatr starts with 2 moves scratch & leer then he learns water gun,rage, bite, scary face, flail,agility,crunch,slash,screech,thrash,aqua tail,superpower,and lastly hydro pump.somewhere in there he learns ice fang but i don't know when since i kept it forever bonus:once you get to blackthorn city there is a house on the left of the Pokemon cednter it will have four people talk to the old man on the right he will ask you if you want an ultimate move (for feraligatr) tap yes and he will teach your feraligatr hydro cannon p.s. i don't know the levels
No Pokemon can learn more than four moves.
Please see the following table for Feraligatr's moves and the level he learns them.Lvl 30: AgilityLvl 32: CrunchLvl 37: Little by LittleLvl 45: SlashLvl 50: ScreechLvl 58: ThrashLvl 63: Aqua TailLvl 71: SuperpowerLvl 76: Hydro PumpNote: This is the latest learnset for Feraligatr, from Generation V (HeartGold and SoulSilver). For his learnsets from Generations II and III, see the links below.
The related link below directs you to a page where you can view all the moves Flareon can learn in Pokémon HeartGold Version.
its really up to you. i think its a wonderful team. --------------------------------------------------------- Its hard to tell just from the names of the pokemon. What moves do they each have?
Pretty much every Pokemon can learn Headbutt, but a Pokemon that uses Physical moves and is of the NORMAL type would be preferable.
Honestly, It Depends on the level and moves. I personally love jolteon. Your 6th Pokemon Can Be HoOh.
You go to Blackthorn City and you go to the move tutor house there and then you talk to the man and he teaches your Feraligatr Hydro Canon. You can also learn the moves Frenzy Plant and Blast Burn from that man.
It depends on the type of Pokemon you have, how you battle, your Pokemon's levels, and the gym leaders Pokemon stats and moves and type. Mine was Morty because I had four normal type Pokemon. I used Feraligatr last and wooped his butt!
double edge, eruption,flamethrower,fire spin
a lot...........just level it up.but it can learn cool ones like blaze kick.
He can learn all the same moves from leveling up as feraligatr and totodile, excpet there he learns some different tms from them
hidden power
In Summary, when you check moves, or in Battle, when you level up.
You'll need either a Totodile, Croconaw, or a Feraligatr. If you decide to breed it with a Ditto (which can be found on Route 34), it does not matter what gender Totodile, Croconaw, or Feraligatr are. But if you decide to not use Ditto, then Totodile, Croconaw, and Feraligatr will need to be female. (if you want your Totodile to learn a certain move that it only learns through breeding, then it must be female, while the father knows the move.) Some pokemon that Totodile, Croconaw, and Feraligatr can breed with are: slowpoke mareep loudred kangaskhan poliwag Marill wooper after you're set with your two pokemon, leave them in the day-care (route 34) for a while. (a pokemon can forget moves while in the day-care if left long enough). a totodile egg will hatch after a minimum of 5,355 steps have been taken.