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Totodile evolves at Level 18 into Croconaw and then into Feraligatr at Level 30.

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Q: What level does Totodile evolve?
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Will totodile evolve at lv 18?

Totodile will evolve into Croconaw at level 18 and Croconaw will evolve into Feraligatr at level 30. Feraligatr is the final evolution and cannot evolve further.

What level does totodiele evolve?

Totodile evolves at level 18.

Which level does totodile evolve?

totodile --lvl.18--> croconaw --lvl.30--> feraligatr

What level does totodile evolve on Pokemon soul silver?

Level 18.

What level will totodile evolve in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon?

Totodile 18 Croconaw 30 feraligatr

What level does feriligator evolve?

Feraligatr is the last form of Totodile this means it does not evolve.

What level does totodile evolve in Pokemon Crystal?

Evolves into croconaw at Level 18 Feraligatr at Level 30

How do you evolve totodile in Pokemon crater?

by leveling up to level 18, it will evolve into croconaw

What level does totodile evolve in soul silver?

18 then 30

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Totodile evolves at level 18.

What level does cyndaquil evolve at in soul silver?

Cyndaquil and Chikorita will evolve at level 16. But totodile evoles at a level 18. :-) - :-) Hhopkins1108 :-)

What level does totodile evolve in Pokemon Crater?

Totodile evolves at lvl.18.Hedoes not require an evolution stone.