Totodile evolves into Croconaw. This evolution occurs around level 18 (although it can be as early as levels 14 or 16 if you are its Original Trainer). Croconaw then evolves into Feraligatr around level 30 (although level 33 is also an acceptable evolution level in different versions).
Level 18.
You Can Get Totodile By Trading It From Pokemon Emerald Or Pokemon HeartGold Or Pokemon SoulSilver.
Totodile evolves at Level 18 into Croconaw and then into Feraligatr at Level 30.
No; as of that game, Totodile hadn't been invented.
hack it
by leveling up to level 18, it will evolve into croconaw
Totodile evolves at lvl.18.Hedoes not require an evolution stone.
Level 18.
Totodile evolves into Croconaw at level 16.
Here is a website where you can find all evo's on :)
nobody no's for sure so for now just watch POKEMON!
Totodile is a Water type pokemon.
You Can Get Totodile By Trading It From Pokemon Emerald Or Pokemon HeartGold Or Pokemon SoulSilver.
Totodile will evolve into Croconaw at level 18 and Croconaw will evolve into Feraligatr at level 30. Feraligatr is the final evolution and cannot evolve further.
totodile --lvl.18--> croconaw --lvl.30--> feraligatr