You Can Get Totodile By Trading It From Pokemon Emerald Or Pokemon HeartGold Or Pokemon SoulSilver.
you must have seen them in the battle frontier
No; as of that game, Totodile hadn't been invented.
Totodile is #158 in the national Pokedex, and is a Water type Pokemon.
Totodile evolves into Croconaw at level 18, then into Feraligatr at level 30.
Totodile can't be seen on Pokemon Platinum unless you trade it over from a game where you can get totodile. You can do that in the Pal Park but this can only be done on the D.S and D.S lite.
you cant get them in platinum but you can easily if you use a DS cheat card
you cant but what you can do is get action replay, migrate it from Pokemon emerald or, you could get it from heart gold or soul silver
Totodile is a Water type pokemon.
It depends what Pokemon game you have like if you have platinum, pearl or diamond you cant get totodile with out cheats of if you trade it but if you have soul or heart you can choose to start with it
since i'ma girl, i'd suggest my opposite. for Pokemon soul silver i think totodile or cyndaquil (though i have cyndaquil) and for platinum i think chimchar or turtwig
i meant my 100 level electivire, i really want a totodile
No, but if you catch all the sinnoh pokemon; Prof. Rowan will offer you one of the three Johto starters.
You have to trade it from the gba series
where do i find a totodile in Pokemon diamond/pearl on nintendods
no totodile is not obtainable is firered, but it is on emerald