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diamond pick axe if dont work update ur game

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Related questions

Who is a miner?

a person who goes into the cole mines

What problems were there in the mines?

Toxic fumes, tunnel collapses, landslides, and pickaxe accidents.

Who is a Cole miner?

a person who goes into the cole mines

When did the miner go on strike?

becuse there was a risk of the mines falling oner them

What is a coal mine worker?

It is a Miner they go in Mines to mine out coal

Who is a person to mine diamonds?

A person who mines diamonds is called a miner.

Who is the person who extract coal from the ground?

A coal miner is the individual who extracts coal from the ground. They work in underground mines or surface mines to extract coal for energy production and other industrial uses.

What is a sentence with the word coal?

The coal miner mines coal from the coal mine.

What does the electric miners lamp do?

It is very dark underground in mines and these help the miner do their work.

What do you call a person who digs coal?

Oh, dude, you call them a coal miner. Like, they're out there in the mines, digging up that black gold, probably covered in soot and living that hard-knock life. But hey, someone's gotta do it, right?

What do you use the miner's hat for on Nabooti Island?

put it on and go past the guy with the yellow suit in the mines

What prime minister was once a coal miner?

Former Australian Prime Minister Andrew Fisher was once a coal miner. Fisher worked in the coal mines in Ayrshire, Scotland, from the time he was around ten years old. He also worked in coal mines in Queensland after he moved to Australia.