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it means your trying to play the game twice or theres a minor bug and you have to restart steam

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Q: What it means on steam when it says only one instance of the game can be playing at once?
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When playing steam the game crashes?

it could be cause you haven't got a big hard-rive for the game

What is rp means in games?

It means "role play" or "role playing". So if a game said "Knights RP Game", it would mean "Knights Role-Playing Game".

If you buy a game off of steam can You still connect with friends that are playing the game that are not on steam?

no it is not able to do it u and your freinds must both have steam a new games came out called aleian swarm by vavle/the makers of steam its all free u just have to have steam witch is also free so maby u guys wanna try that

What does has game mean?

It means that that person is good at what ever game he is playing.

How do you make a steam game from a standalone game?

You cannot turn a non-steam game into a steam game, however, you can add it to the list of your steam games by clicking the "add game" button in the "library" section. This will not make it a steam game, it will only cause the game to show up on the list.

What does it mean when a person says they are playing an addicting game?

When a person says that they are playing an addicting game which often means that they love playing that game so much, even getting addicted on the game.

Is there any way to separate a game from Steam?

If you bought the game from steam, no. and if your trying to put a game on your computer and it keeps adding to steam, than un-install steam while your trying to install the game.

What does the word own mean?

Own means to posses. For instance, if I know that the game is mine, I will say, "I own that game." There is also a slang meaning for the word own, which means to basically be better at, or defeat in. For instance, if I beat someone in a race, I just "owned them."

Can playing Minecraft get you VAC ban?

No, because Minecraft is not a Steam game, so it is not using VAC. This game was developed by Markus Persson (Notch) and now is owned by Jeb. Steam has no right to give you vac ban, nor impersonate as the owner of Minecraft. You are free to go :) [Proof] I have played Minecraft on Steam before.

What does regalo mean?

it means like your playing a game and winning cash

What letter of Dreidel means you have won the game?

There is no letter that means you won the game. You keep playing until one person has all the candies (or pennies).

Where to buy DC Universe Online for PC?

As of a few days ago, Valve software released it onto their Steam Distribution system in the free to play section. What this means is that as long as you have a computer capable of running steam and you have a steam login, you can get the game from the steam store for free.