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You can go to the puffle party and go to the beacon and throw a snowball at the green puffle's target. Or mabye, but im not sure,you can go to the Pizza parlor and throw your pizza.

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Q: What is the way to get a food fight stamp on club penguin?
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How do you get a food stamp on club penguin?

You mean the one in the events and in parties? The food fight stamp probably. - It has to be a party that in it there is a room that when you throw a snowball it becomes food. Throw a snowball in that room and you get it.

What is food emotes for club penguin fish dogs stamp?

ep = blue puffle fj= joke ew= chocolate icecream etc.

What is a puffles on club penguin favorite food?

The most favorite food of puffles, on club penguin, is pizza, and cake.

How do you buy a food stand on club penguin?

hi I played club penguin for 3 years and im sorry to say you cant buy food from the food stand.

How do you get the snack shack stamp on club penguin?

You stand at a snack shack and you click on your icons, there should be lots of snack shacks almost everywhere in Club Penguin during a celebration. I really hope that this helps you. Waddle on fellow penguins!! :-)

What do you eat to survive on club penguin?


How do you sell food on club penguin?

You can't.

Where does the food go in club penguin?

into your mouth

Where is the food booth on club penguin?

There is a food booth at the ice rink

Does sensei eat food on club penguin?


Where do you get food for your puffel in club penguin?

in the pet shop

Where are all the food stands on club penguin?

at the stadium