The Price was $599 which is about £380
The average price of a used PS3 will depend on where one is purchasing and what condition the PS3 is in. In the United States a used PS3 in good condition can be purchased for around $150 to $200.
600 tl
The price of a PlayStation 3 in Karachi is 32000 rupees.
500 tk
2 dollars
price of ps3 320 gb price of ps3 160gb
I'm guessing the Price of the ps3 is like what $300
the price of ps3 slim is $299.99 in Canada.
Yes a Sony PSP bought in Thailand will work in Australia. PS3 that are bought in Thailand will also work in Australia.
The Price was $599 which is about £380
The average price of a used PS3 will depend on where one is purchasing and what condition the PS3 is in. In the United States a used PS3 in good condition can be purchased for around $150 to $200.
In July 2010 the PS3 released a PS3 250 GB greatest hits bundle that will be a price drop because the game of the year Edition of LittleBigPlanet and an HDMI cable are both provided with the PS3 250 GB model for the same USA retail price of $349.99. The Next PS3 price drop could be with the release of the PS3 Move Bundle to be released in September 2010.
pia price thaniland to pakistan