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Q: What is the price of ps3 CD in Bangladesh?
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What is the price for ps3 in Bangladesh?


What is the price of a ps3 in Bangladesh?

2750 taka probably

What is the current price of PS3 in Bangladesh?

now in dec 18 2012 the ps3 price is 250 dollar in 500 gb hdd . so i think it will be in bangladesh 21,000 tk

What is price of xbox 360 pirated CD in Bangladesh?

tk 180

What is the price of PS3 in Bangladesh at Dhaka?

from 30000 to 38000 tk based on version and HDD capacity

What is price of PS3 in Bangladesh?

Play Station 3 is not that costly anymore. PS4 worths more. PS3 new costs 2000 BDT

What is the price of ps3 in Saudi Arabia 2011?

1.ps3 move sr1200 2.ps3 with 2 remote and 3 cds sr 1500 3.ps3 with 2 cd and 1 remote sr1400

Do they sell PS3 in Bangladesh?


Sega games worth?

Price of a PS3...about $299....Price of a Sega/Sega CD...PRICELESS!! It brings on feelings of Nostalgia and is a great piece of gaming HISTORY!

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the price of psp in bangladesh is about 15 to 16 thousand

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How do you get a PS3 game that was burned into a CD to work on your PS3?

I'm not sure a PS3 game will even fit on a CD. The PS3 will play Cds and DVDs but the games are on Blu-Ray Discs