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It means you need to check your password make sure its right

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Q: What is the meaning of PSP connection error 80410d06?
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What shall i do when my psp says 'a connection error has occured the attempt to obtain the ip address timed out?

don't do anything except look at it ok got it thank you

How do you get free internet on psp?

first u go to youtube and then you type how to get free internet on psp. then their will be many videos sooo choose one of then thenn your problem will be prob is that i did everything then they say error in connection see security options??

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My PSP says A DNAS error has occured80530186 What do I do?

This error means that you are locked into an internet provider. This happens sometimes when using public Wi-Fi and your PSP will give you the error code because the signal is encrypted.

How does one get the Internet on their PSP?

To get access to the internet on your PSP, you will need access to a WIFI connection. This can either be from your homes router, or free one in a cafe. Then, head to the Settings in your PSP, Network Settings, Infrastructure Mode, New Connection, Scan and then select the correct wifi connection. Enter the password if require and your PSP will then attempt to connect to the internet.

What is the connection name on psp network?

figure 3