That's the error message to say that a Bluetooth connection attempt has failed.
It means you need to check your password make sure its right
the LCD on a psp 1000 dose not fit on a psp 2000. Why you ask the psp 1000 has one connection that connect to the MBO and the psp 2000 has 2 connection that connects to the MBO.
error 80551001 in PlayStation Store
This error means that you are locked into an internet provider. This happens sometimes when using public Wi-Fi and your PSP will give you the error code because the signal is encrypted.
figure it out yourself
That's the error message to say that a Bluetooth connection attempt has failed.
It happens just wait for a while
It means you need to check your password make sure its right
i think virus cant disrupt psp internet connection... if it says "internal error' it means wlan is broken or improperly installed... i had it before i turned my wlan on and off rapidly... and it worked .... try it...
The PSN is currently down due to a security breach last week.
the LCD on a psp 1000 dose not fit on a psp 2000. Why you ask the psp 1000 has one connection that connect to the MBO and the psp 2000 has 2 connection that connects to the MBO.
don't do anything except look at it ok got it thank you
first u go to youtube and then you type how to get free internet on psp. then their will be many videos sooo choose one of then thenn your problem will be prob is that i did everything then they say error in connection see security options??
Your wireless internet signal is to weak move closer to it or find a new one.
error 80551001 in PlayStation Store
a WiFi connection...