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This error means that you are locked into an internet provider. This happens sometimes when using public Wi-Fi and your PSP will give you the error code because the signal is encrypted.

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Q: My PSP says A DNAS error has occured80530186 What do I do?
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i think virus cant disrupt psp internet connection... if it says "internal error' it means wlan is broken or improperly installed... i had it before i turned my wlan on and off rapidly... and it worked .... try it...

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Your wireless internet signal is to weak move closer to it or find a new one.

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Was trying to load God of War Chains of Olympus from a cso via usb on PSP and keep getting the error 'error 0x8002013c starting module' Can anyone hep fix this?

That error is not very common. It seems as if your PSP is defective as it will not allow you to connect via USB.