If you had 99 Constitution, and you also had lowest LP, you would be able to hit a 589.
that depends on NUMEROUS conditions. it depends on what weapon you're weilding, if you're using prayers or potions, and even on what armour you have on. with dharoks, potted and praying with less than 10% lp left, you can hit around 1120. with just a whip and bandos armour with dragon boots and a dfs, you can hit in the high 300's maybe 400.
If your wearing it with full Dharok then 900's, depending on your Hitpoints of course. However on its own it would not hit very high and is recommended to use another weapon of choice unless you are not using it with full Dharok.
It certainly does. Strength if you are a mage affects the strength of your hit. Not as much as a high magic lvl, but still alot.
around level 70+ Strength.
no, the max hit is 128 with full dharok firecape,extreme potion,Piety,and 1hp.
That really depends on what stat boosters you have and what your skills are.
Attack has nothing to do with max hit, it just shows how often you hit it. but for strength I can calculate you will hit 7, but priv message me what you wear, and I can give you a more accurate prediction.
the max hit with a dragon longsword on runescape at lvl 70 str is 17 without spec and 21 with spec however this is when a player wields the longsword with no other items to bouns their str lvl
that depends on NUMEROUS conditions. it depends on what weapon you're weilding, if you're using prayers or potions, and even on what armour you have on. with dharoks, potted and praying with less than 10% lp left, you can hit around 1120. with just a whip and bandos armour with dragon boots and a dfs, you can hit in the high 300's maybe 400.
ull be able to hit 31 with prayer
If your wearing it with full Dharok then 900's, depending on your Hitpoints of course. However on its own it would not hit very high and is recommended to use another weapon of choice unless you are not using it with full Dharok.
input your weapon and other equipment you will be using: http://www.scape-xp.com/runescape-max-hit-calculator.html
Hitting high in Runescape depends on many factors:- Your Strength Level- Your Equipment ( Armour + Weapon )- Super Strength Potions- Strength Boosting prayers ( especially Chivalry + Piety )- Enchanted Jewelery ( Rings, Amulets ) e.g Bestest solution is Amulet Of Fury + Berserker Ring.P.S sometimes using Full Dharoks on Low Hp can cause you to hit very High, I have seen 110's + with this.
It certainly does. Strength if you are a mage affects the strength of your hit. Not as much as a high magic lvl, but still alot.
around 16-17 damage, depending on your strength bonus.
Depends on if you pot your skills or the weapon you have and your strength level.