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Some of the best players have hit double 46 with the darkbow special + dragon arrows. this comes to a total of 92. if u want to know the max max hit in RS, its 112 with 1 hp and full d'haroks, a salve amulet, dragon boots, barrows gloves and a fire cape.

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Q: What is the max hit with 99 range?
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Is darkbow good on runescape?

It is if you have Dragon Arrows, with 99 range it can hit a max of two 30+'s.

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What is the max hit with 99 strength with full dharoks in runescape?

If you had 99 Constitution, and you also had lowest LP, you would be able to hit a 589.

What is the max hit you can hit with 99 mage on runescape?

That often depends on what skill your using and the equipment you have on.

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I think the max hit with a magic bow is a 30.

What is you max hit with rune crossbow with 61 range?

depending on your bolts, but usually with steel u would hit 15s as a max

What is the max hit on RuneScape?

You have to be doing the quest: A soul's bane to hit the hit of 200 (Members Only.) Otherwise is would be around 60-90 with a armadyl godsword (Sources from Old answer) requiring 99 str, 99 att and 99 def (99hp would be recommended)

In runescape what is the abyssal demon's max hit?

The person before Me was a complete idiot, the max at the moment with: 99 Attack 99 Strength + Super Set +Max Bonus +Piety Max hit with Whip is 52, and with any GodSword W/O Spec is 61, with is 93 with an AGS. If your on a slayer task, 10% more. so 57 with a whip and W/O Spec GS 67.

What is the Runescape melee strategy?

It depends on how you want your character built, do you want to hit higher, more often, or not get hit as often. Also you can chose range or mage. My characters original build was 92 attack 99 strength 82 Defence 94 Mage 99 Range

Runescape max hit with 80 range?

Use the calculaters.. you can figure that out and a variety of other things.

Rs what is the max hit with 99 str no prayer nor pot in f2p?

Depending on which weapon and monster but with a rune 2h it is around 24.

How many bronze arrows wil it take to get from 87 to 99 range?

it depends on how much you hit each time and on what you are fighting.