depending on your bolts, but usually with steel u would hit 15s as a max
The rune longsword is slower, but has a higher max hit by 1, but the rune scimitar is faster but has some unnecessary bonuses and is expensive, so the rune longsword is best.
Depending on which weapon and monster but with a rune 2h it is around 24.
in my oppinion the R scimmy is the better one because its faster then the 2h sword and you can wear a shield wich are necessary for dragon slaying etc but i thout that the rune 2h dide more damage A: A Rune Scimitar attacks with an Attack Speed of 6 (every 2.4 seconds) and a Rune 2H Sword attacks with an Attack Speed of 3 (every 3.6 seconds) meaning you can attack a lot more often with a Rune Scimitar, but the Rune 2H has a higher max hit as it provides a bigger strength bonus. Overall if you are looking for a weapon to train your combat skills the Rune Scimitar is the better choice, while a Rune 2H Sword can be very useful in PVP as it provides sudden high damage, which means you can kill people with a high hit before they are capable of using food. id say if you had low than 70 strengh then use a rune scimitar and a rune 2h for over 70 strengh
Some of the best players have hit double 46 with the darkbow special + dragon arrows. this comes to a total of 92. if u want to know the max max hit in RS, its 112 with 1 hp and full d'haroks, a salve amulet, dragon boots, barrows gloves and a fire cape.
150. The moment you can wield an adamant crossbow with ruby (e) bolts, u can hit 150. You can only hit 150 on a steel titan 20% of 750 = 150
It really depends on what your using. Rune scim is probaly a 16 MAX.
The rune longsword is slower, but has a higher max hit by 1, but the rune scimitar is faster but has some unnecessary bonuses and is expensive, so the rune longsword is best.
it depends i have lvl 63 used it and hit 18's so?
I think the max hit with a magic bow is a 30.
Depending on which weapon and monster but with a rune 2h it is around 24.
well it depends if you have any potions and prayers and amulets on. im lvl 75 and my r2 hander hits a 17 max. but my rune scimmi only hits a 13. hope that helps you add me as a freind my user is: sonicxx8
If you have lvl 56 strength you can hit up to 17 depending on what you've got. If you have Amulet of strength and strength potion and 31 prayer, then you can hit about 17 with Rune 2h Sword.
If you are trying to max hit, then use a 2h, but if you are trying to train for a while and get ok hits then use the scim and kite. The scim and kite are the most commonly used set of weilded items other than battleaxe and kite.
Use the calculaters.. you can figure that out and a variety of other things.