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Q: What is the evolution list in Pokemon pearl?
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What level does hunter evolve into gangar in Pokemon pearl?

IT is a trade evolution.

Is there an evolution of Floatzel in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

Floatzel is the last evolution of buizel it doesnt go any further

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Which version have Eevee and all its evolution?

you can get them all in Pokemon diamond, pearl and platinum

How do you get horse to the last evolution in Pokemon pearl?

If your talking about Ponyta then level 41

Is empoleon legendary?

Empoleon is not a legendary Pokemon. It is the final evolution of Piplup, one of the starter Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum.

Can you get a boyfriend in diamond and pearl?

there is no list of "bfs" in Pokemon diamond and pearl but you can make freinds

What is the evolution of lickitung in Pokemon pearl?

The evolved form is called Lickilicky im not kidding.

Pokemon pearl how does lumnion evolve?

Finneon evolves into Lumineon, but Lumineon is the final evolution.

All of the Pokemon in pearl?

Since there is quite a lot of Pokemon in Pearl, go to On the left hand side under Pokemon Pearl/Diamond, click Pokedex and there will be a full list under.

Pokemon list for evaloution Pokemon Pearl?

empoleongoleminfernapetorterradriflimpurugly noctowlhonchrowrapidashmiloticstaraptorbeutiflycrobathippowdonsudowoodomedichamthink that's allhope i helped

Is there a list of Pokemon for pearl version on ds?

Yes, in the pokedex