you dont
It can evolve Pokemon. Here is a list of what it can evolve: Misdreavus---> Mismagius Murkrow---> Honchkrow If your going to get Pokemon diamond/pearl,please beware of the type of Pokemon you can find.For Example,Murkrow can only be found in Diamond,not Pearl or Glamow can be found on Pearl but not on Diamond,But what i mean is there's only 2 Pokemon (In Diamond/Pearl) that can be found on each game. Here's the list: Murkrow---> Honchkrow (Diamond) Stunky---> Stunktank (Diamond) Misdreavus---> Mismagius (Pearl) Glamow---> Purugly (Pearl)..... But 1 other thing,only 1 Pokemon (In each game) can be used with dusk stone,so pick WISELY....
you have to go to a place where you can find out about Pokemon wi fi
Here is a list of all 150 Pokemon: The last Pokemon listed (#151) is not required to get the national pokedex.
how to get shining Pokemon on pearl vershow can you get shining Pokemon in pearl version
you dont
there is no list of "bfs" in Pokemon diamond and pearl but you can make freinds
Since there is quite a lot of Pokemon in Pearl, go to On the left hand side under Pokemon Pearl/Diamond, click Pokedex and there will be a full list under.
Yes, in the pokedex
no in any form of the qwestion has a list for every game
Not that I know of, the best place to look is a Pokemon Pearl Action Replay cheat list.
Of course! Try going to, click on the Diamond/Pearl under the Games on the left side, and find Swarming on the right side of the nest screen. there are 29 different kinds of swarming Pokemon in Pokemon pearl and Pokemon diamond
first, try asking a question, second, all the same Pokemon in diamond and pearl
I could tell you all the Pokemon in pearl that are not legendary but there are about 482 of them. :) ____________________ hi, I'm the person that asked thiS, but, can you list the rare ones then?? also, can i find ditto??
go to and search Pokemon diamond.(or pearl) you will click on the right game after you search it and there will be a list on the left side of the page. Click action replay codes and there should be a huge list of codes!!!
Paras is number 46 on the pokedex list. you can get it in fire red/leaf green at mt moon or the safari zone. then trnsfer it over to your Pokemon pearl via pal park.