Haunter evolves into Gengar by trading. Since the GTS is not functional in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl anymore, you will need to ask a friend, who has a copy, to do a trade-back with your Haunter.
Pokemon diamond & pearl
None yet. POKEMON PLATINUM, it is out in Jp
it doesnt.....unless pokemon brings up the next pokemon and shows steelix's evolution
You have to trade Gurdurr to get the next evolution.
It was supposed to be the sequel to Diamond and Pearl, but was replaced with Pokemon Platinum. it wasnt the next sequel and there is no Pokemon opal
its not supposed to its there to evolve evee by leveling up evee next to it and it turns to leafeon (new evolution in pearl)
Pokemon platineum
Pokemon diamond & pearl
Pokemon battle dimension
After Pokemon Diamond and Pearl there will be Pokemon Battle Dimension.
next to valy windworks
You can't catch a giratina in Pokemon Pearl. So I don't know what on earth you do next.
next to the Pokemon center
After Diamond and Pearl, there's Pokemon Platinum, HeartGold and SoulSilver, Battle Revolution, My Pokemon Ranch and then Pokemon Black and White.
None yet. POKEMON PLATINUM, it is out in Jp
There is no evolution of Girafarig in Pokemon.But if your talking about the pokedex then the next Pokemon is Hippopotas
it doesnt.....unless pokemon brings up the next pokemon and shows steelix's evolution