Empoleon is not a legendary Pokemon. It is the final evolution of Piplup, one of the starter Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum.
In my opinion, Empoleon is better.
Starters at lv 100. Try swampert, Empoleon, charizard, Megainium, blaziken, and sceptile! I really like my glaceon and riolu at lv 100 though...
Barry has an Empoleon in the TV Show.
Have at least one high level legendary... they really help. Any Pokemon on a high level... (good against bug, fire, psychic, and ground)
you can only get an Empoleon at the start if you chose a piplup. Empoleon is it's last evolution. You can battle someone with it at Victory Road on your way up to the Pokemon League.
Empoleon is the best starter arceas is the best legendary and The strongest would be a spiritomb with wonder guard
they named it that
Empoleon is way better. It is so fun to have a Empoleon on your team because these Pokemon are super proud and strong. The key to winning using Empoleon is to befreind it. I beat six gym leaders only using one Empoleon!!!! Go Empoleon!!!!:)
yes ditto can breed with empoleon
In my opinion, Empoleon is better.
Empoleon would win the battle but who is stronger probably empoleon.
A good team for Pokemon diamond or pearl is probably Empoleon, Staraptor, Roserade or, Steelix, Machamp, and Haunter or Gengar.
Starters at lv 100. Try swampert, Empoleon, charizard, Megainium, blaziken, and sceptile! I really like my glaceon and riolu at lv 100 though...
Since Empoleon is a Water and Steel type Pokemon. So Fire, Fighting, Ground Pokemons are effective when battling Empoleon.
You a can a card got get 4 empoleon in.
Ditto or another Empoleon.
You don't, you have to evolve it from a starter piplup to a prinplup to an empoleon.