The command is /timeset day. This can only be used by admins and ops.
/toggledownfall to stop or make rain in minecraft
ex. /time set (time) ex. /time set day or /time set night
You can't have commands on minecraft classic but you can in multiplayer classic
If you mean Minecraft Classic, this is not possible. Minecraft classic is only meant for building, not survival. If you want to have survival, you'd have to buy the full version. To change day to night in Minecraft premium (full), as of 1.3 the command prompt was added to single-player so issue the command /time set night.
Place a bed and right click on it to sleepIf cheats are enabled press 't' and type the command /time set day
/Time set 0
/toggledownfall to stop or make rain in minecraft
ex. /time set (time) ex. /time set day or /time set night
You can't have commands on minecraft classic but you can in multiplayer classic
The command is: /time set day or /time set night. You can also use numbers (ex. /time set 15000, /time set 0, /time set 10000, etc.).
If you mean Minecraft Classic, this is not possible. Minecraft classic is only meant for building, not survival. If you want to have survival, you'd have to buy the full version. To change day to night in Minecraft premium (full), as of 1.3 the command prompt was added to single-player so issue the command /time set night.
Place a bed and right click on it to sleepIf cheats are enabled press 't' and type the command /time set day
You can't, unless you know how to use command blocks.
Use the command:/toggledownfallOr just sleep in a bed
It all depends what plugin you have but usually the command for it is /pt (anycommand) it will then assign the command to whatever you are holding in your hand
There is no command block in minecraft. If you go to the Minecraft WiKi it will have all the information you need for anything in the game.
Command blocks currently can not be crafted. In creative mode the command /give YOURPLAYERNAME 137 1 will give you 1 command block (all you need in creative).