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/toggledownfall to stop or make rain in minecraft

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Q: What is the command to stop rain in Minecraft?
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It makes no difference if you use the /stop command or not

What is the cheat for rain in minecraft?

If you have enabled cheats in your world on the PC edition, the command to toggle rain on or off is /toggledownfall.

How do you turn off the rain on Minecraft?

You can only turn off the rain if cheats are enabled. If they are, the command is /toggledownfall

How do you change the weather on a Minecraft server?

On a vanilla server you can use the command /toggledownfall This will, as the name states, will either stop or start snow or rain. On a bukkit server you can install a plugin called essentials that will allow you to set the global weather to whatever you choose. The command for this is /weather <rain, sun, snow>

How do you get it to stop snowing in minecraft flat world permanently?

It shouldn't snow in flat worlds, but you can /toggledownfall to stop rain, lightning or snow. This isn't permanent, but you can use a command block /give 137 or /give minecraft:command_block on a constant arrangement so that it will use the command every few minutes.

How do you stop rain in Minecraft PC?

Sleeping in a bed at night will stop the rain in the morning. Other mods use different methods, but this is the vanilla way.

How do you make it stop raining on minecraft?

Use the command:/toggledownfallOr just sleep in a bed

What is the block id for command blocks?

There is no command block in minecraft. If you go to the Minecraft WiKi it will have all the information you need for anything in the game.

How do you place command blocks in minecraft classic?

You need to be in creative mode in order to input commands into the command block.

What it the item id for the command block on minecraft?

The only way to get a command block in Minecraft is to have cheats on in your world.Once you generated a world like that, type in the following command:/give [your Minecraft character's name] 137 [amount up to 64]That will give you a command block.

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What is the command block ip in minecraft?

the command block doesn't have an ip.