This is what you need to do:
# Enable the mystery gift. # Put the code in. # Go outside a pokeshop # Press L+R
# Go to any shop and talk to the man in green near the counter. The Code:
94000130 FCFF0000
B21C4D28 00000000
B0000004 00000000
200002B4 00000001
0000AA3C EDB88320
E000AA68 00000104
00000007 00000000
00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000
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00000000 00000000
D2000000 00000000
Good Luck :)
Sorry, you can not get tepig in pokemon diamond version because diamond is a 4th generation game and tepig is a 5th generation pokemon. Get black/white!
to get phione you simply get manaphy from Pokemon ranger (the old version) and put it in day care with a ditto they will have a egg & that egg is a phione egg!!
The site listed below has a chart for the Pokemon Finneon Diamond and Pearl edition.
Alamos Town does not appear in the Pokemon Diamond version of this game. It is in the movie, but not on this game.
Yes, in the Pokemon Leauge
Unfortunately it is.
Manaphy (sometimes wrongly spelled as Manaph) is a water type of Pokémon. It is possible to get this Pokémon in Diamond version.
First, touch ranger net. Next, touch Send a Pokemon. Then, touch Send a Manaphy Egg. Meanwhile, turn on Pokemon diamond version on a separate Nintento DS. Where it says "Continue, New Game, Mystery Gift, and Nintendo wfc settings" there should be an option to get the manaphy, although i forget what it says. (Remember, you need to have completed the Pokemon league to do this)
IN any POKEMONDS version To get a manaphy You've got to trade it after you complete Pokemon ranger once you've completed it you'll get a manaphy egg which can be hatched only through pearl diamond or platinum you've got to trade it from Pokemon ranger to pearl diamond or platinum and then hatch it you can also get a phione if you put your manaphy with a ditto in the Day care centre
Ash has 6 Pokemon in Diamond version
I dont have pokemon diamond
I love this one it took me a while 1 you need the first Ds pokemon rangers 2 you need 2 dses 3 you need to do the manaphy mission on pokemon rangers then go to the lab 4 use the 2nd Ds to play diamond 5 save and quit rangers and go to it's start menu 6 click send manaphy 7 accept the egg from diamond version 8 hatch egg Also there is a secret code to get manaphy mission you have to look it up online like google it and it's not an ar code good luck love you tubes BOTDFfan93 :)
u can't get a lvX Pokemon in diamond version
The Pokémon you're referring to is Phione, which is the offspring of Manaphy.
you need to have the sapphire version in the gameboy slot and the diamond version in the other slot
If you have the Pokemon Diamond Version booklet go to the content page and look up how to migrate .
How does riolu learn aura sphere in pokemon diamond version?