Arceus:=This code gives you a chance to catch a level 100 arceus and 995 of every pokeball.(to help you catch it)Just hold down L+R then walk into the grass.(at the same time)By the way it is asleep and has only 1 hp, So just take it to the Pokemon center and that should be fixed. Now for the code: Pearl: 94000130 FCFF0000 B21C4D28 00000000 B0000004 00000000 E0000F4C 0000003C 03E30001 03E30002 03E30003 03E30004 03E30006 03E30007 03E30008 03E30009 03E3000A 03E3000B 03E3000C 03E3000D 03E3000E 03E3000F 03E30010 00000000 E0007610 00000018 3FFFFFFF BC97770C 000101ED 00010164 00000000 00000000 D2000000 00000000 Diamond: 94000130 FCFF0000 B21C4D28 00000000 B0000004 00000000 E0000F4C 0000003C 03E30001 03E30002 03E30003 03E30004 03E30006 03E30007 03E30008 03E30009 03E3000A 03E3000B 03E3000C 03E3000D 03E3000E 03E3000F 03E30010 00000000 E0007610 00000018 3FFFFFFF BC97770C 000101ED 00010164 00000000 00000000 D2000000 00000000==Shaymin:==This will give you a shiny shaymin named Sonic on box 1. This shaymin can go on PBR Random Wi-Fi! Shaymin LV. 100 Seed Flare Energy Ball Aromatherapy Protect Diamond Code 94000130 FCFF0000 B21C4D28 00000000 B0000004 00000000 E000C370 00000088 515A4D43 047D0000 7DAF37EC 843B062B 393C21C1 5EAE4E1B 2981B188 5885A2C9 665A7E04 3993C1CA 0A02413E 78F2350F 79F4AB3A 799135BE 4E33D054 7B6B611C 313F6305 CEFB06BA 2D318E18 BF599F0E 68183D69 A118536A E1726415 93B06CFF 7C7521AC FBACEA9A 956737FE 22A7D83D 2AD3339B FC6011DB DA2C9047 34B7A904 A8697BA6 5A5CE180 D2000000 00000000 Pearl Code 94000130 FCFF0000 B21C4D28 00000000 B0000004 00000000 E000C370 00000088 515A4D43 047D0000 7DAF37EC 843B062B 393C21C1 5EAE4E1B 2981B188 5885A2C9 665A7E04 3993C1CA 0A02413E 78F2350F 79F4AB3A 799135BE 4E33D054 7B6B611C 313F6305 CEFB06BA 2D318E18 BF599F0E 68183D69 A118536A E1726415 93B06CFF 7C7521AC FBACEA9A 956737FE 22A7D83D 2AD3339B FC6011DB DA2C9047 34B7A904 A8697BA6 5A5CE180 D2000000 00000000=
you dont need codes for arceus!for more info ask "how do you get arceus by using ar"
Arceus has no cheat code for Leaf Green, because Leaf Green was released years before Platinum, Pearl and Diamond in which Arceus first appears.
The Gracidea flower wasn't an item in Diamond, and neither is Sky forme Shaymin, so sorry.
The only way to get it is to use a cheat and catch arceus and then get the ghost plate ok there.
Shaymin, Darkrai, and Arceus are event-only Pokemon which an Action Replay is required to catch them today or you can trade for them with a close friend.
It is no code for Shaymin USE YOUR DS
Well i would if i had one or at least cheated for it but then since there's gonna be an event for Shaymin and i could get infinite shiny Arceus with no cheat game carts but my R4i then my answer to your question is, no. i would do any thing for arceus ive got shaymin too
2009 Easter norwhich regigigas or shaymin arceus comes out in 2010 (or cheat its quicker)
the only way to get arceus or shaymin is by an event or cheating, the events are not out yet so the only arceus's and shaymyn's there are are hacked, dont be fooled! i have a legit shaymin that i will trade u
you dont need codes for arceus!for more info ask "how do you get arceus by using ar"
dialga regigigas cressellia phione manaphy shaymin arceus giratina heatran uxie mesprit azelf In pearl u can catch palkia but not in diamond
Sadly, Only Shaymin Is in the game. But, there Is A Dungeon That you can ONLY get In Sky That Has a Arceus Statue at the End! This Is Both Only In Explorers Of Sky.
i will trade you ho-oh for a arceus my friend code is 210617618675 and my name is aurora
Arceus has no cheat code for Leaf Green, because Leaf Green was released years before Platinum, Pearl and Diamond in which Arceus first appears.
Shaymin does not evolve. It transforms. And unfortunately there is no AC, Gameshark, or any other cheat code for the Gracidea flower. :-)
Arceus and Shaymin are in Pokemon Explorers of Sky,i dont know if its in Darkness.?