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The Gracidea flower wasn't an item in Diamond, and neither is Sky forme Shaymin, so sorry.

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Q: What is the cheat code to get the flower to shaymin in diamond?
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Is there a code for action replay to get the flower to evolve shaymin?

Shaymin does not evolve. It transforms. And unfortunately there is no AC, Gameshark, or any other cheat code for the Gracidea flower. :-)

How do you get a shaymin sky form on Pokemon Platinum?

YesYou Can Get Shaymin Sky Form In Pokemon Platinum With A Cheat Code That Is A Special Flower.

What is the code for gracidea flower on Pokemon diamond?

shaymin sky forme is only available in platinum and gen. 5

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It is no code for Shaymin USE YOUR DS

Cheat code to get the gracidia flower in Pokemon SoulSilver and HeartGold?

It's actually really easy to get the gracidia flower in Pokemon SS&HG you just bring a legit event shaymin to the flower shop in Goldenrod City and one of ladies will give it to you for free. If you have a non-legit shaymin that's probably why you're asking this question. Find it from a website like Pokesav or Cheat code central or i bet they have it on Action

What legendaries can you catch in Pokemon Diamond?

dialga regigigas cressellia phione manaphy shaymin arceus giratina heatran uxie mesprit azelf In pearl u can catch palkia but not in diamond

Gracidea Code on Action Replay?

There is no code to get the Gracida Flower, but where you get Shaymin is where the flower is. The code you need is the run in walls or walk in walls.

What is the action replay code for the gracidea flower?

dont no kill shaymin

Does anyone have a code for Pokemon Black version to get a legitimate Shaymin or a code to get the Gracidea item?

you can get Shaymin by trading from another game. You get the Garcidia flower in Lacunosa Town.

Sky forme shaymin ar code for heart gold?

if you go to the lady in the flower shop in goldenrod city she should give you a flower that transforms shaymin into sky forme

What do you press to activate sky shaman cheat code in game soul silver?

There is not really a code but if you talk to a girl in D/P/PT you can get a flower that will change shaymin's form then trade it into HG/SS. Hope this helps!

Will a shaymin obtained by cheats be able to transform into fly form shaymin in Pokemon platinum?

use the code below and catch shaymin at the flower paradise the n go to flaoroma , with shaymin, and a blonde in town will give you a flower to get sky form now heres the code: Oak's Letter (Press L+R) 94000130 FCFF0000 62101D40 00000000 B2101D40 00000000 0000B5D4 00000009 0000B5D8 00000000 D2000000 00000000 You dont need a code to get shaymin. If you have an action replay DS, you can turn on the walk through anything cheat, and fly to sunnyshore (note this works for diamond/pearl and i do not know if it works for platinum.) go into the water on the far right of sunnyshore and then go up until you see a green island keep going up until you find shaymin he is at lvl. 30 hope this helped :)