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Rune Scimmy if you go for speed and what the def boost from the shield. Rune 2h for pure strength but slower speed. Rune Battle Axe for more strength then the scimmy alittle bit slower but can have a def with shield.

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Q: What is the best rune weapon for non members on runescape?
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What is the best non-members weapon on Runescape?

In my opinion the best is a rune scimatar

Free player runescape best weapon?

Sword: Rune 2handed sword. Shield: Rune Berserker shield 100.

What is the best rune weapon for stab attacks in RuneScape?

Rune Short-sword on Accurate, or Rune Longsword on Stab/Controlled. They're about equal in Attack. Rune Longsword will hit higher.

What is the best weapon to train up defence in runescape?

perferably for members dragin scimitar or whip for non members rune b axe or rune scimitar and if u hvae a hi range lv then use a dark bow or knifes on defence/range catagorie

What is the strongest rune 1 handed weapon on runescape?

Probably the Rune battleaxe, though the Warhammer is slightly stronger against plate armor.

What is the best f2p rune weapon on runescape?

The overall best f2p Runescape weapon is actually a range weapon - Maple Longbow (sighted). It has a range bonus of over 100. The best f2p degradeable weapon is the Gravite 2h. Both are Dungeonneering weapons and need 45 Dungeonneering levels.

Runescape what is the best 1handed non-member weapon?

A Rune Scimitar, mainly because of speed and attack damage rates.

What is the best rune weapon?

the best rune weapon i think is the rune helberd for members.u can hit a lot with it. the best rune weapons for non members are rune scimmys they are fast and good accuarcy.(scimmys are good for attack^^) the rune 2h sword is good but it is really slow at your enemy hits twice and u hit once.(i hit 18-19 rune 2h and 14-16 rune scimmy)

What is the best weapon for training attack?

Non Members (F2P): Rune Scimitar Members (P2P): Any Godsword (Armadyl has the best Special Attack)

What is a good sword for a lvl 46 attack level on runescape?

A Rune 2h is a good weapon for a high lvl strength person on Runescape. A rune scimitar is a perfect weapon for a lvl 46 attack because it is designed for attack.

Runescape What is the best non corrupt f2p weapon for defence?

Weapons don't add to your defence bonuses. The best armour, however, would be full rune.

Runescape What is the best non corrupt f2p weapon for strength?

For F2p it would be the Rune 2Hander as it has the highest str bonus, but i prefer the scimitar:D